World-class education in English and Spanish!

Seats in Grades K and 2 Available for the school year 2024-25
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Call us for more information: 917-819-5337
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Cupos disponibles en Kínder y 2.º Grado para el ciclo 2024-25
¡Inscríbase antes de que se agoten los cupos!


Update: March 2, 2022

Starting Monday, March 7, masks will be optional at LEEP Dual Language Academy. Families can decide whether or not their child(ren) should wear a mask at school, and our teachers and staff will reinforce that preference. This also applies during the afterschool program. Click here to read the message from our Co-Founder and Interim Executive Director, Michael Regnier.

Please complete this form if you would like your child(ren) to continue wearing a mask to help the school staff reinforce your preference. Note that you can change your preference at any time by completing the form again. 


As a school community, we’re committed to staying safe, open, and learning in the year ahead.

Please read on to learn about our COVID safety protocols. Please note these are subject to change in accordance with the CDC and NYS Health Department’s new mandates and recommendations. 


Vaccination is mandatory for teachers and staff members, with medical and religious exceptions. Any unvaccinated teacher or staff member must complete a COVID test weekly.

Masks must be worn by students and staff members, including vaccinated staff members. 

Separation of students into pods will continue indoors, but multiple classes may share space outside during arrival, dismissal, or recess (with students wearing masks).

Meals will continue in the classroom and shields will be used during meal time.

Social Distancing will continue. Students will be seated at least 3 feet apart, while also wearing masks, which means that rug lessons will not be used.

Visiting adults in the building, including parents, will continue to be kept to a minimum. Office business will continue to be conducted via phone, email or outside, rather than at the front desk.

Hand sanitizer and hand washing will be facilitated and encouraged throughout the day.

Daily cleaning will continue, with  deep disinfection after any known COVID case

Every student and staff member will undergo a temperature check prior to entering the school building.  

Symptom questionnaires will no longer be used. They have not proven helpful and are not recommended by NYSED.

Quarantine Protocols will follow whatever is the current guidance of state and local health authorities. At present, these guidelines are as follows:

In the event that there is one (1) confirmed COVID case in a single classroom, the whole class will be sent to quarantine and do remote learning for 10 days.  

If there are at least two (2) confirmed cases from different classrooms, the whole school will be sent to do remote learning and quarantine for 10 days.

If a student or staff member has close exposure to a positive COVID case, he or she will not return to school until a rapid COVID test can be completed.